After the success of 1st annual conference, we are calling the abstracts for the “2nd Annual Transport, Health and Wellbeing” Conference.

Transport has a fundamental effect on our health and well being. Promoting travel through sustainable modes can contribute to meeting the challenges in UK due to transport on health such as traffic casualties, obesity and air pollution.

Some policy makers are promoting sustainable travel modes and smarter choices through social marketing techniques to change travel behaviour but how successful are these initiatives in the medium and longer term? The challenge facing all transport and health practitioners is to meet these challenges in a balanced way within the limited resources available and to make viable cases for appropriate transport interventions.

The Health and Social Care Act contains provisions for conferring public health functions to local authorities and the requirement on local authorities to establish a Health and Wellbeing Board for their areas.

The aim of the Conference is therefore to bring together transport and health policy makers, practitioners, and stakeholders to explore ways to over come these challenges in which they can work together to deliver the objective of “Remain Healthy through Sustainable Travel”

Who should attend?

  • Transport policy makers, planners and practitioners in private and public sector
  • Road safety and smarter choices professionals, Health and safety advisors
  • Public health practitioners, Local councillors, Community and campaign groups
  • Researchers and academia professionals

Suggested topics

The list below includes suggestions for topics or themes although this is in no way exhaustive.

Presentations, preferably evidence based, are therefore welcome from the UK and elsewhere from the World across a range of topics.

  • The development of recommendations for policy makers to incentivise health focussed transport policy and practices
  • Developing greater understanding of, and good practice in, transport for disabled people through planned social media strategies
  • Developing the research and evidence base on transport and health
  • Influencing public and professional opinion on transport and health through planned social media strategies
  • Impact of traffic on air quality and impacts on public health, transport strategies and measures for health inequalities
  • Promoting smarter choices and travel planning in towns and cities
Selection process for presentations

To be considered for a presentation, please send an abstract, in the manner indicated below. There will be no submission of full paper. We will then review all submissions of abstracts and select suitable ones for the conference. The final selection of presentations will be based on the quality of the abstracts received and will aim to offer a varied and interesting programme on the day.

Presentations are particularly welcome from a partnership of consultants and clients and from campaign and community groups.

For information on conference please contact Zeenara Najam, Head of Technical Development by clicking here.

How to submit an abstract

Abstracts must be submitted in a Word document by email to Event Manager Julia Sharp by clicking here by Friday 15th February 2013. There is a limit of 300 words and we cannot accept PDF files.

You may submit more than one abstract.

Please include sufficient information on the content of the proposed paper and the conclusions or results likely to be reached when the written paper is submitted and presented.

Your abstract should also include:

  •         All author(s) name(s)
  •         Abstract title
  •         Author(s) Position and affiliation
  •         Postal address
  •         Telephone number
  •         Email address
  •         Summary (max 100 words)
  •         Brief biography of each author(s) (max 100 words per author) 

1 speaker for each paper is invited to attend the Conference on a complimentary basis. Co speakers will be asked to pay a small administration fee.

Further Information on Conference Exhibition and Sponsorship
For further details please contact Julia Sharp.

To download a flyer for your office please click here.


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