“By providing people with options to choose sustainable modes for everyday, local transport choices, we can help boost economic growth by facilitating access to local jobs. Sustainable Transport can also influence the quality of our lives, the air we breathe, how healthy and fit we are, the money in our pockets and how long we spend in traffic queues – as well as the pleasantness of our environment and public spaces”

Norman Baker MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport
Enabling Sustainable Choices will examine and question the methodology behind the Department of Transport’s White Paper, ‘Creating Growth, Cutting Carbon: Making Sustainable Local Transport Happen’, and how this can deliver economic growth and carbon reductions.

January 2011 saw the publication of ‘Creating Growth, Cutting Carbon: Making Sustainable Local Transport Happen,’ the Department of Transport’s White Paper, which set out the vision for a transport system as an engine for economic growth; one that is also greener and safer, and improves quality of life in our communities.
The White Paper, intended to run alongside the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) announced on 22nd September 2010, created a significant step forward in the realisation of two of Government’s key objectives: to help create growth in the economy; and to tackle climate change by cutting carbon emissions, whilst encouraging the greater use of public transport, walking and cycling.

At the heart of these measures is localism, and the pivotal role of local authorities in realising the needs of the community whilst delivering local action that encourages people to travel sustainably. This is particularly relevant in light of figures indicating that two-thirds of all journeys are under five miles.

To apply for a funded place (public and third sector only, prices available on request for private sector) please contact 0161 238 8880 or email your contact details to Anthony Donnelly quoting ref TPS5

Alternatively, if you’re from the Public Sector, call Paul on 0161 238 8891 or email Paul Anthony quoting special promo code PA3  to secure your FULLY FUNDED (Free) place(s).

For further details please visit www.greeningtransport.co.uk


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