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TPS is pleased to announce the launch Transport Planning Day 2024.
See all the current vacancies.
Open to all those studying or working in transport planning, or related fields, on a professional basis.
This could be anyone who has made an exceptional contribution to the transport planning profession over the last year - whether in the form of a project delivered, a pioneering technique or approach used, or just because they are a good ambassador to the profession. This prestigious Award will be presented at the Conference Dinner at the Transport Practitioners Meetingin July.
Please send your nominations with a citation as why you think this person should be honoured to Andy Costain, TPS Development Officer at by Monday 9 April.
Previous winners include:
2014 | Frank Baxter, Southampton City Council | For setting up the Centre for Excellence for Smarter Choices. |
2013 | Emma Osborne, TfL | For an outstanding contribution to the sucess of the 2012 London Olympics |
2012 | Ian Drummond, Leicestershire County Council | For a significant contribution to raising the profile of the profession and skills |
2011 | Tony Wilson, TfL | For outstanding work on the cross-Thames cable car project |
2010 | Martin Knowles, Surrey County Council | For the three major transport schemes the county is promoting: Guildford Hub, Reigate-Redhill Hub, and Airtrack |
2009 | Colin Brader, ITP & Dr Anthony Mobereola, Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority | For their work in devliering the Bus Rapid Transport system in Lagos, Nigeria |
2008 | Barry Horne, Nottingham City Council | For the implementation of the Work Place Levy Charge |
2007 | Michele Dix & Malcolm Murray-Clark, TfL | For the implementation of the Central London Congestion Charge Western Extension |
2006 | Ali Clabburn, Liftshare | For |
2005 | Andrew Forster, LTT | For Local Transport Today |
2004 | Keith Mitchell, PBA, | For the Transport Planning Skills Initiative |
2003 | Derek Turner, TfL | For implementation of the Central London Congestion Charge |
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