The Workshops, which will be led by the Society’s Skills Director, Martin Richards TPP, are intended to help those who are planning to apply for the TPP qualification to understand the procedures and requirements for TPP candidates, as well as those participating in the TPS Professional Development Scheme (PDS). They will cover routes to the TPP (including the Portfolio of Technical Knowledge and the TPP PDS), the Portfolio of Evidence competency requirements (including the possible choices), preparing the Portfolio of Evidence, preparing for the Professional Review Interview and the interview itself, as well as the benefits of being a TPP, and of following the TPS PDS.

A good part of each Workshop will be devoted to Questions and Answers, enabling those with specific questions to put them to Martin.

Those for whom the Workshops should be helpful include:
• anyone planning to apply for the TPP qualification
• anyone seriously thinking about applying for the TPP qualification
• anyone following the TPS PDS
• TPP and TPS PDS Mentors

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