TPP survey launched

Members urged to tell us what they think

Members of the Transport Planning Society (TPS) and CIHT are being surveyed this week for their views on the Transport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification, which the two organisations jointly run.  It was created in 2008 and is designed to be the equivalent of Chartered Engineer for transport planners – there are now over 100 TPPs.  The aim of the survey is to find out if people working towards the TPP are experiencing any barriers, and how they view the breadth and depth of TPP requirements.

Keith Buchan, Chair of the TPS, said

“We are working hard to maintain and improve the transport planning skills base through TPP and the TPS Professional Development Scheme which sets candidates on the pathway for the TPP qualification.  We must make sure that the TPP is rigorous and challenging, but also that it is based on real needs and is achievable.  Now that we have four years’ experience, during which the recession has had such a great impact, it’s time to take another look and listen to what the people working on the ground have to say.”

Survey is on:


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