In what has become a much anticipated annual event on the TPS calendar, MVA in London claimed top spot in this year’s National Pub Quiz.  Held simultaneously in different venues across the country, teams pitted their wits against each other, answering questions on topics including children’s television, food and drink, and sport.  Despite only scoring three out of 10 in the transport and travel round, MVA London managed to amass an impressive 54 points to claim the national trophy.   In second place nationally, and in London, were the Old SEERAonians who scored 50 points.

Results from the four venues:


  1. Sandeep's Getting the Next Round In Centro
  2. By Royal Appointment   Royal Haskoning
  3. The Sky's Your Oyster   MVA


  1. Guanxi Jacobs  
  2. Thomas and Friends   Leeds City Council
  3. Halcrow    Halcrow (original name you lot)


  1. MVA London MVA
  2. Old Seeraonians   Former SEERA
  3. Urban Movement   Urban Initiatives


  1. MVA North West   MVA  
  2. WSP     WSP 
  3. Peter Brett Associates   PBA

In total, around 160 people in 33 teams took part in the quiz, and at same time raised nearly £300 for Transaid and Sport Relief.   Thank you to all those who took part.


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