Godfrey Mitchell Theatre, Institution of Civil Engineers, One Great George Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3AA

6.15pm, Thursday 22nd September 2011 with refreshments from 5.30pm in the Brasserie.


Maureen Pullen, Planning and Housing Policy Lead, DfT

Peter Headicar, Recently Reader in Transport Planning at the Department of Planning of Oxford Brookes University

In July 2011, the Department for Communities and Local Government published the draft National Planning Policy Framework, setting out the Government’s social, economic and environmental policies.  It articulates the vision for sustainable development in England, one that will be interpreted and applied locally to meet local aspirations.  Consultation on the draft runs until 17 October 2011. 

The policy framework has potentially far-reaching consequences for transport, as well as land use, environmental, housing and economic development planning.  We are delighted, therefore, to welcome Maureen Pullen, who has been responsible for providing DfT’s inputs to the draft framework and for coordinating the views and inputs of various transport stakeholders, to tell us about the background to the document, highlighting its main objectives, principles and priorities. 

Peter Headicar, recognized as one of the leading experts in integrated transport and land use planning, will then provide his own personal views on the possible implications of the new framework before our Chairman, Keith Buchan, opens the floor for what should be an interesting discussion about what it all means for transport planning and sustainable development in England. 

So, come along for a very informative evening and contribute to what should be a lively debate.  It is the intention that the forum will be used to inform the Society’s response to the consultation.

A flyer with further information can be downloaded here.

TPS Members free. RTPI/TPS Transport Planning Network members £5, Non-members £10, payable on the evening. 

Priority will be given to TPS members.  Please register early by emailing pauline.arundel@ice.org.uk with your name, organisation, telephone number and, if applicable, your TPS membership number.  



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