David Connolly Awarded the TPP
David Connolly, who is based in MVA’s Edinburgh office, has been awarded the TPP. David heads MVA’s Environment Technical Group and is responsible for identifying, improving and disseminating Technical Best Practice across the company. A lecturer in Operational Research at LSE before joining MVA, David is also a member of the ScotStat Board as well as of Environmental Protection UK's Air Quality Advisory Group. He has also recently been invited to join the Natural Environment Statistics Advisory Committee.
TPP and Professional Development Workshops
Following the first of a series of regional TPP and Professional Development Workshops held in Birmingham on 29 March, further workshops will be held in Leeds on Tuesday 17 May, starting at 12.30 and in London on Wednesday 18 May, starting at 6.00pm. The workshops are intended for those who are actively considering applying for the TPP, as well those considering participation in the TPS Professional Development Scheme. For details of the Workshops go to the website Events pages for Yorkshire & Humberside and London & South East.
TPS Professional Development Scheme Mentor Training
A few places remain on the training session is being held on Wednesday 25 May for Mentors for participants in the TPS Professional Development Scheme. Starting at 2.00pm at WSP’ in Chancery Lane., London, anyone interested in joining the session should contact Martin Richards, through info@tps.org.uk.
TPP CPD Records
Keeping up to date with developments affecting the profession is a key requirement for those with the TPP qualification, who are required to compete at least 25 hours of CPD a year. To ensure this requirement is being met, every year (starting this year) a ten percent sample of those holding the TPP qualification will be asked to provide a copy of their CPD record.
TPP to Review Approved Transport Masters Courses
The TPP Professional Standards Committee has initiated a rolling programme under which each Transport Masters course approved by the Committee will be reviewed at least once every five years to ensure it satisfies the TPP requirements. Five courses have been selected for review in 2011.
GoSkills Transport Planning Industry Board to focus on Apprenticeships GoSkills Transport Planning Industry Board, chaired by TPS past Chair Keith Mitchell TPP, has decided to focus its attention during 2011 on
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