Harnessing the Power of Transport Demand Management

Thursday 14th April 2011 1830 - 2000 hrs (Registration at 1800)
University of Westminster, Room-M323, 35 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5LS

Outdated notions of TDM (transport demand management) as a collection of vaguely related initiatives are constraining the true potential of the concept. TDM has an enormous untapped potential when framed as a philosophical approach. In time the concept is likely to become a cornerstone of sustainable urban transport systems. A new paradigm in transport planning, internationally recognised as TDM, is emerging which embraces concepts commonly referred to as Mobility Management, Smarter Choices, and Active Travel Management under its umbrella. Transport professionals worldwide have been collaborating to update understanding of TDM as a philosophy that underpins our approach to improving the sustainability of transport.

A recent international review of TDM has demonstrated the importance of combining a number of key aspects to an effective strategy. Key to successful policy transfer of sustainable urban transport is integrating the TDM philosophy into urban transport planning, as well as the daily management and operation of transport services and infrastructure. A powerful policy tool called METRIC is now available to help assist this process of integration, and is being applied internationally to benchmark comparative progress on TDM implementation.

Speaker: Dr Colin Black CMILT, MD, Contemporary Transport

CILT members: £15, Non-members: £20
Booking Code: TP004 
About the Speaker
Dr. Colin Black CMILT is the Managing Director of consultants Contemporary Transport. He specialises in sustainable transport policy and TDM strategies, including travel plans and smarter travel choices. He has played an instrumental role in developing a wide range of strategic policy documents internationally and has a wealth of practical knowledge developing strategies for a wide range of applications, from new sites to towns and cities. He lectures at Loughborough University, sits on the US Transportation Research Board TDM Committee and the UK Board of ACT TravelWise, is CABE Design Review Advisor, and is a member of ECOMM.



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