6.00pm, Tuesday 10th May 2011

at  MVA Consultancy London Office, 17 Hanover Square, London W1S 1HU 

One of the aims of the Transport Planning Society is to support the development of younger professionals.  We do this in many ways, but one of the most successful has been the annual TPS Bursaries. 

The 2011 TPS Bursary scheme is being launched at an event that will showcase three of the papers from last year:

  • Mackenzie Nicholson, MVA Consultancy – Public Private Partnerships in times of economic austerity
  • Mark Powell, BAA (previously MVA Consultancy) – What impact does transport infrastructure have on national, regional and local economies? And what are the lessons for determining investment to support macroeconomic growth?
  • Graham Grant, Newcastle City Council – Should sustainable transport planning be the fodder of transport planners and politicians or is it time for grassroots activism? How creative uses of public space can help to influence travel patterns and travel demand.

We will also be providing details of this year’s scheme, so come along and find out all about it, and hear from some of the young professionals who have benefitted from the scheme in the past.

TPS Members free with membership card. Non-members £10, payable on the evening.  Priority will be given to TPS members.  Please register early by emailing pauline.arundel@ice.org.uk.

To download a flyer with further details please click here.

Further details of the TPS Bursary Scheme and all the 2010 Papers can be found here.


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