The first Transport Planning Society (TPS) ‘Bursarian of the Year’ award was awarded jointly to Graham Grant of Newcastle City Council and Mark Powell of MVA London at the society’s AGM on 23 February 2011.

The long running TPS Bursary scheme this year (2010/11) saw a record 17 applicants, six of which were accepted on to the scheme.  Applications for the next round will be invited in May this year.

Graham Grant’s paper considered grass roots action and creative uses of public space to encourage travel change, while Mark Powell asked whether transport could really help the national economy to grow, and if so, how do we choose between projects in the Age of Austerity?

The TPS bursary scheme aims to encourage transport planners at an early stage in their career to produce a piece of structured thought on a topic of current relevance to transport planning. Each produce a report and present its contents to the Board.

The papers can be read by clicking here


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