The 'Transport Climate' project is jointly sponsored by the Campaign for Better Transport and the Metropolitan Transport Research Unit (MTRU) with the objective of putting forward practical policies to reduce the UKs transport impact on the climate.

Keith Buchan from the MTRU, who is leading the project, will be speaking on the project's Stage 2 findings, to produce a draft set of detailed policies which would radically reduce the carbon footprint of Britain's transport system, due to be launched in September 2008.

This landmark project will set a benchmark for the TaSTS White Paper and the various party mainfestos going into the next general election.

The event is being held in Room 4Q56, Q-block, Frenchay Campus, UWE, Bristol BS16 1QY at 5.30pm for 6.00pm start on Tuesday 7th October 2008.

For further information please click here

Similar events are also be taking place in London and Leeds. 

The event is free to both TPS Members and non-members.

To register to attend please email Julie Triggle at UWE.


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