David Bayliss, Kris Beuret, Michele Dix, Ann Frye George Hazel, Glenn Lyons, David Quarmby and Martin Richards were all awarded an Honorary TPP on 25 November. 

As Honorary TPPs they will be helping to  promote the TPP qualification, and the transport planning profession, within the profession itself and within Government, as well in other key circles of relevant decision-makers.  David Bayliss, Kris Beuret, Michele Dix, Glenn Lyons and David Quarmby are all TPS members.

David Bayliss OBE was one of the founding fathers of TPS chairing the Transport Planning Forum from which the Society was established; he is chair of the trustees of the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund, a charity that funds several transport Masters students each year, as well as academic posts and research, and was Director of Planning at London Transport,

Kris Beuret OBE is Director of Social Research Associates, specialising in public involvement and research into social aspects of transport. She has advised DfT  the House of Commons Transport Committee and TfL on diversity issues.  She is a member of the Independent Transport Commission, and has recently been appointed to the Steering Group for the newly formed National Infrastructure Planning Association

Michele Dix is TfL’s Managing Director, Planning, having been promote to that role after successfully delivering the London’ Congestion Charge, as joint Director of Congestion Charging.  She joined TfL from Halcrow, where she was the Director responsible for urban transport planning. 

Ann Frye OBE has an outstanding record of work relating to the disabled and transport,  After many years with the Department for Transport, where she headed the Mobility and Inclusion Unit, she is now an independent consultant and a Visiting Professor at UCL., .

George Hazel OBE has worked in academia – at Napier and Robert Gordon universities  – in local government – where he was Director of City Development  at Edinburgh City Council-  and  in the private sector, where he now heads consultant McClean Hazel.  He is a past President of CIHT.

As past Chair of TPS, Glenn Lyons is Professor of Transport and Society and Associate Dean, with responsibility for research, in the Faculty of Environment and Technology at the University of the West of England. He is a past chair of the Universities Transport Study Group.

David Quarmby CBE,  is Chair of the RAC Foundation, and has chaired the Strategic Rail Authority, Docklands Light Rail and the British Tourist Authority, as well as the Independent Transport Commission.  He has also been Managing Director of London Buses, as well as Sainsburys.  His early career included seminal research on the value of time.

Martin Richards OBE, the TPS Skills Director, was the principal author of the National Occupational Standards on which both the TPP and TPS Professional Development Scheme (PDS) are based, has played a leading role in the design and management of the TPP and manages the TPS PDS.  He also chairs the Universities’ Transport Partnership’s Employers’ Forum. He retired in 2000 after 25 years with MVA, 22 as Managing Director and then Executive Chairman.

Victoria Hills, the TPS Chair, welcomed these awards, saying “having the support of this influential group of transport planners will really help us in our endeavours to establish the TPP as a key qualification, recognised by all major employers as well as those procuring transport planning services.”


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