Bircham Dyson Bell, London

Last month the Deputy Prime Minister announced the introduction of new borrowing powers known as Tax Increment Financing (TIF). The new powers will allow local authorities to borrow against predicted future growth in their local business rates which will arise as a result of regeneration or infrastructure enhancement.

With an urgent need to find new sources of funding for infrastructure TIF is being welcomed as a means of encouraging private sector investment. TIF has been widely used in the United States for many years and recently it has been adopted by the Scottish Government through the setting up of the Scottish Futures Trust.

Further information on how TIF will operate in England is expected in a White Paper on Sub-National Growth to be published around 20th October. This will set out the timeline for introducing legislation.

This morning seminar will provide an opportunity to understand how TIF will be introduced in England, the financial structure of schemes and how future uplift will be calculated. It will hear from local authorities intending to implement TIF and from case studies where TIF is already being implemented. It will explore the use of TIF as a funding tool for regeneration and for transport infrastructure.

TPS Members receive 15% off the cost of registration, to claim the discount, insert the discount code ”TIFTPS” (not case sensitive) when registering online.

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