5.30pm, Thursday 9th September at Transport for London, 55 Broadway, London SW1H 0BD

Speaker: Michèle Dix, TfL, Managing Director, Planning

The Mayor's Transport Strategy sets out his transport vision for London and details how Transport for London and partners will deliver the plan over the next 20 years. It is a key part of a strategic policy framework to support and shape London's social and economic development.

Michèle will present the Mayor’s vision for transport in London and talk about the background, development and content of the Strategy.

TPS Members free with membership card. RTPI/TPS Transport Planning Network members £5, Non-members £10, payable on the evening.

Priority will be given to TPS members.

Please register early by emailing Pauline.Arundel@ice.org.uk with your name, organisation, telephone number and, if you are a TPS member, your TPS membership number.

Alternatively, complete the form here and return it TPS.


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