6.30pm, Wednesday 16th June 2010 at The Godfrey Mitchell Theatre, The Institution of Civil Engineers, 1 Great George Street, London, SW1.

Our speakers are:

  • Lynda Addison OBE (Addison Associates)
  • Lisa Buchanan (Steer Davies Gleave)
  • Geoff Symonds (O2)

Some excellent results have been reported from Travel Plans, with significant mode shift being achieved by many organisations. But how do they do it and how do planning authorities make them more than just a box ticking exercise? With the current economic and political climate, Travel Plans, often seen as quick and cheap to implement, will be expected to deliver more and more.

So, whether you’re a Travel Plan coordinator, a development control officer, a planning or transport planning consultant, or just interested to learn more about developments in the field, these three speakers will inform and inspire you.

Lynda Addison is a highly respected planner with some 40 years experience who led the preparation of the DfT/DCLG guidance on Delivering Travel Plans through the Planning Process. Lynda will highlight some of the key findings of that work.

Lisa Buchanan has worked on Travel Plans for much of her career, and will speak about the work she has been doing with TfL as they seek to improve the quality of Travel Plans associated with developments in London.

Geoff Symonds has implemented the Travel Plan for the O2, having great successes, but changes to the Underground have left some challenges ahead. Geoff will talk about the reality of delivering a Travel Plan in a competitive environment.

Refreshments will be available in the Brasserie from 18:00.

TPS Members free with membership card. RTPI/TPS Transport Planning Network members £5, Non-members £10, payable on the evening. Priority will be given to TPS members.

Please register early by emailing info@tps.org.uk with your name, organisation, telephone number and, if you are a TPS member, your TPS membership number.

Alternatively, download a flyer by clicking here, complete the form and return it to: Transport Planning Society, 1 Great George Street, London SW1P 3AA. Or fax it to: 020 7799 1325.


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