The evening will take place at WSP Group's Offices, One Queens Drive, Birmingham B5 4PJ.

For a change, refreshments will be pizza and drinks rather than the usual sandwiches and will be available from 18:00. The presentations are due to start promptly at 18:30 (please click here for an event flyer including a location map).

Each presentation (15 minutes) will be followed by a 5 minute Q&A session. The three technical paper presentations planned for the evening are as follows:

1. Travel Plans: A Developer's Perspective by Stephen Yeates (WSP Group)

2. Innovations in GIS: A Key Transport Planning Tool by James Colclough (AECOM)

3. New Guidance Paper for Signalised Roundabouts by Colin Ridding (Mott MacDonald)

This event is free for TPS members (please remember to bring your membership cards) and £3 for non-TPS members. The first five non-TPS members to register their attendance will also get free entry.

Please register your place by email by clicking here at the earliest opportunity as spaces as limited.



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