Welcome to the first Transport Planning Society Strategic Plan.

This draft plan has been prepared following our recent  Member Survey and we now need your views  - please do take time to read the Plan and let us know your thoughts.

The consultation draft of the TPS Strategic Plan 2010-2020 can be found by clicking here. 

We felt it timely and useful for all our Members, and future Members, to take stock to define what the TPS is, what it wants to be and how it’s going to get there.

Undertaking the Membership survey was a clear step in identifying what we do well, don’t do and what our Members think we should do more of. Building on this the TPS Board held its first Away Day in autumn 2009 to establish a vision, mission statement and goals. This document is a culmination of all this work and more.

You might like to comment on: -

1) Is a 10-year time period for the Strategic Plan realistic?
2) Do you agree with the vision and mission statement? If not, what is missing, what could be changed / added?
3) Are the critical success factors correct?
4) The TPS has selected seven priorities for action. Is this focus correct? Can you identify anything missing?
5) Is there anything else you would like to see in this document?
6) Is there anything else you would like to feedback about this consultation?

Please email your comments marked 'Strategic Plan' by the end of 31 May 2010 to info@tps.org.uk


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