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TPS is pleased to announce the launch Transport Planning Day 2024.
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Open to all those studying or working in transport planning, or related fields, on a professional basis.
Tuesday 16 March 2010, 6.45pm at ‘The Rack and Tenter’ pub, 45 Moorfields, London, EC2Y 9AE (by Moorgate tube station)
The 2010 General Election will give the incoming government, of whatever stripe, a five year mandate for all its policies, including for transport planning. But at previous elections, transport policy has had a tendency to disappear from the headlines as the political and media “big guns” focus their attention elsewhere, and the standard of debate on transport issues has too often been lamentably low.
The TPS has a role to play in ensuring a good quality public debate does occur, and an election hustings event with the parties is being planned for April.
The idea of a brief TPS transport planning “manifesto” – picking out the key themes and policies that TPS members think should be priorities for any incoming government – has been proposed as the Society’s input into that debate. This event will be an informal round-table to discuss the key points of this TPS manifesto.
To download a flyer please click here.
The event is free. Refreshments at the venue will be at your own expense. Please help us to deliver this event smoothly by registering your name, organisation and no. of people attending at
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