The Future of Planning: A Return to Localism?
The Conservative Party has outlined significant changes to planning policy in the UK, pledging to abolish the new Infrastructure Planning Commission, transferring its function to the Planning Inspectorate and having the National Policy Statements ratified in Parliament.
At the regional level the Regional Development Agencies look set to be abolished with their powers transferred to the sub-regional, county, or city region level.
The Conservatives want to return the decision making process to local communities with plans to increasingly ‘front-load’ the Local Development Framework (LDF) process, with better consultation to develop a clearer community vision for a locality. Community Infrastructure Levy may be abolished in favour of reformed Section 106 arrangements.
The policy debate raises many questions about the future of planning and the kind of planning system the country needs. What is the most effective and democratic means of assessing major infrastructure projects? What is the most appropriate governance level for strategic planning and the funding of infrastructure? And how can local people become more engaged in the planning process at the policy development stage?
Hear the Conservative Party’s vision for the planning system following the publication of their Green Paper and have your say in the debate about the kind of planning system the country needs for the future.
The seminar will discuss the following:
• The Green Paper and plans for reforming the planning system
• What level of governance is most appropriate for strategic spatial planning?
• Are city regions led by Mayors an effective governance model?
• The future for major project delivery
• The role of local authorities in engaging with communities
• The impact of Conservative ‘localism’ on planning
• Can the planning system combine greater local accountability with delivering the infrastructure the country needs?
Confirmed speakers include:
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