The 8th TPM, which for 2010 moves from Reading to the University of York, encourages, through the Call for Papers, an extremely varied programme of presentations of key interest to all transport practitioners.

TPM has now established a firm place in the calendar of training and development events for transport practitioners and the Programme Committee has decided to retain the slightly different approach adopted in the Call for Papers for TPM 2009.

Although the invitation to submit an abstract has always been broad and inclusive, the Committee would like to invite authors to submit “thought pieces” - a new or innovative idea, project or approach. The TPM programme will, of course, continue to focus on outcomes/case study type projects which will always be a key part of the TPM programme.

To download a brochure with more information and with details of how to submit your paper please click here.

Please note that the deadline for submitting your abstract is 13 January 2010.

This meeting is one of the few which gives an opportunity for transport practitioners to offer a paper - an important part of professional development and networking.


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