Living Streets are holding a one day workshop to enable transport planners, designers and engineers to develop successful Local Transport Plan 3 policies and projects which create walkable communities. 

Our facilitators are: -

Richard Smith, Head of Business and Consultancy Services, Living Streets, and

Paul Cullen, Consultant, Living Streets

The workshop will cover the key factors that will enable walking to fulfil its potential and maximise the benefits:

  • How walking can deliver the top five LTP3 goals and objectives
  • How policy influences and enables more walking
  • How good design enables walking, sharing best practice on how to get it right
  • Why maintenance is key to creating sustainable walking environments
  • How walking can maximise the benefits of public transport investment

For more information and to download a booking form please click here

To obtain a discount as a TPS Member please quote TPS when booking.

This event is also taking place in London on 20 November. 


Morning session (9.30am for 10am start)

  • Walking as transport -  the benefits of self propulsion
  • Other key features of walking and outdoor activity
  • Economics of investment in walkability
  • Human and Behavioural factors
  • Quality factors which attract and sustain pedestrian activity
  • Walkability - the street as a space - using and managing it

Lunch (included)

Afternoon session (4pm close)

  • Walking and public transport
  • Creating the walkable environment
  • Maintenance of the walkable environment
  • Policies to support walking and walkability
  • Monitoring and targets           

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