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TPS is pleased to announce the launch Transport Planning Day 2024.
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Open to all those studying or working in transport planning, or related fields, on a professional basis.
‘Shared Space’ is attracting a lot of attention these days, not all of it well-informed. This event, run jointly with the RTPI’s Transport Planning Network, is intended to enable us all to be better informed through visiting some sites designed according to shared space principles and then discussing matters arising in a convivial atmosphere.
6pm: visit Monmouth St, Seven Dials, and Great Queen Street, London WC2
7pm: meet at Fleet River Bakery, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, WC2A 3JF
For the first part of the evening, participants are urged to undertake self-guided visits of Monmouth Street, Seven Dials and Great Queen Street. (The latter is the latest ‘shared space’ scheme in Covent Garden and involved removing traffic signals.) There will be people at both Seven Dials and Great Queen Street – holding brightly-coloured umbrellas! – who will try and answer any questions you may have.
Continuing your journey a little way eastwards to Lincoln’s Inn Fields (also the scene of recent improvements), the second part of the evening will run from 7pm to around 9pm at the Fleet River Bakery. It will consist of a discussion prompted by short presentations from:
John Dales (Urban Initiatives) – currently undertaking research for TfL
Tim Long (LB Camden) – responsible for the Great Queen Street scheme
Tim is also the author of a recent article in Planning magazine that you might want to read beforehand. It can be accessed at:
NB: Food & drink (some of it alcoholic!) will be available to purchase at the Fleet River Bakery ( As the number of places at the Fleet River Bakery is limited, please register early.
There will be no attendance charge for this event. Priority will be given to TPS and RTPI members.
To download a flyer please click here. To reserve a place please phone TPS on 020 7665 2223 or email TPS by clicking here.
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