The Transport Planning Society is pleased to be able to extend the wider use of the Transport Planning Professional Development Scheme to WSP, who have been a Stakeholder member of the TPS for five years.  This is further endorsement that the TPS PDS is regarding as a structured training and staff development tool. 

David Blades, Director of Training at WSP, (and himself a transport planner) said,

WSP has long held accredited training schemes with the ILT, ICE and our own internal development scheme.  However, it quickly  became apparent that the TPS PDS covered all the major management and technical facets that a rounded transport planner needs in today’s market, and we decided to use our Stakeholder status to invoke our UK wide training licence agreements with the TPS and IHT. 

The TPS scheme completely complements our existing training routes and we look forward to working with the TPS and IHT in developing the scheme for our 400 UK based transport planners”

WSP, listed in the 2009 NCE Consultants File as the Number 1 employer of transport planners is the fifteenth organisation to adopt the TPS Professional Development Scheme. 

Martin Richards, the TPS Director responsible for Skills said

“We welcome WSP as a licensee.  Their decision to adopt the TPS Scheme is a key step towards it becoming the industry standard ; nine of the NCE top twenty consultants have now adopted it, and we are hoping that a large local authority will soon be following WSP.”  


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