Alroight me olde muckers,

West Midlands TPS is inviting yow to attend this years mighty tour of the Black Contray upont famous Black Contray Tours Beer Buz. The Beer Buz will appen on Friday 28th August 2009, just in time for yow' m bostin Bank Holiday weekend!

Pick-up for the tour will be from Colmore Row in the dirty Birming'um at 18:50 and the buz will goo on a journey all round the Wrekin at 19:00. So if yow fancy guzzlin some grerta and having some fittle in yer gob then come along and get merry with yower bostin' TPS Reps.

If yow am a TPS member then yow get priority over non members up to Friday 31st July. Tickets for members are £12 and for non-members £15.

Further details about the beer buz and payment are included in the attached flyer.

Please confirm your attendance and payment by return of email by clicking here.

Tara-a-bit me duck.


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