The first TPP mentor training session held on 29 June at the new IHT offices was attended by representatives of Arup, Atkins, Colin Buchanan,  Hampshire CC, the Highways Agency, Hyder, ITP, Jacobs, JMP, Leicestershire CC, Liverpool City Council, MVA, Parsons Brinckerhoff, SDG, Transport Scotland and WSP.

Keith Mitchell, Chair of the TPP Professional Standards Committee, said

“It was great to see such a commitment to developing the TPP from so many of the major transport consultancies and from public sector organisations. The meeting will help create a network of TPP mentors who really understand the TPP requirements, and can provide support to potential candidates planning to apply for TPP.

Mentoring is a crucial part of the TPP. Mentors can help to identify ways in which candidates can get involved in work that supports their professional development goals, and can help them to prepare applications that demonstrate the true depth and breadth of the experience they have gained. Experience tells us that this support can be very important in improving candidates' chances of success”.



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