Representatives of Atkins, Colin Buchanan, Halcrow, Hyder, Hampshire CC, Hyder, ITP, Leicestershire CC, Mott MacDonald, Mouchel, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Peter Brett, Ramboll and RPS attended the first workshop for licensees of the TPS Professional Development Scheme Workshop at One Great George Street on 24 June. 

The workshop covered a range of topics including managing Scheme Implementation and operation, obtaining buy in from management, potential mentees and mentors, and measuring and recording progress. It was informed by presentations from three of the licensees, with those just beginning to implement the Scheme benefiting from the experience of those further advanced or with experience of other professional development schemes.

Martin Richards, the TPS Skills Director, said “the willingness to share information, experiences and concerns was very encouraging, with Atkins and Mouchel who have both been running the Scheme for several months, both providing presentations on their experience.  I think the Workshop demonstrated the benefits of participating in a standard scheme, particularly since the TPS Scheme links directly to the TPP qualification.”

The Society is planning to hold another workshop towards the end of the year, by which time more participants will have the Scheme in place.  It is also considering providing training for mentors.   


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