Women in Transport, a TPS partner organisation, has launched a Leadership Programme "Lead"

This bespoke leadership development programme for Women in Transport - “Lead” - tailored to the capability and progression needs of women leaders in the transport sector starts in April 2021.

Lead is designed to evolve and grow the leadership capability and confidence of women who are already in, or are aspiring to, significant leadership roles in the transport sector.

Women leaders will join a supportive cohort from a diverse range of transport and infrastructure organisations to authentically expand their networks through stimulating shared learning experiences and a project collaboration.

Lead is designed to engage participants in a detailed exploration of their leadership and management style, focusing on their individual drivers and enablers. Each module includes an inspirational guest speaker from different organisations sharing their own leadership journey.

  1. Start – getting to know each other, building trust and creating a learning platform

  2. Self-awareness – your drivers, motivation and enabling beliefs

  3. Brand – a strengths based description of your offer

  4. Confidence – engaging with integrity with your network

  5. Influence – communication skills for engaging your organisation and your team

  6. Lead – embracing and voicing your authentic style in your own context

  7. Project – taking your project recommendations to a wider audience

  8. Forward – optimising your impact as you implement your learning, and celebrating success.

Programme timetable

The  programme will be delivered in a blended and virtual format in two blocks of four months over the elapsed timeframe of April - November 2021.

Designed to be achievable alongside undertaking a full time role, we recommend allowing an average of 3 - 4 hours per week to complete the course elements.

Modules follow a four week cycle. Workshops will be held between 09:00 - 13:00 on the following dates:

  1. Start: Tuesday 27 April 2021

  2. Self: Tuesday 11 May 2021

  3. Brand: Tuesday 8 June 2021

  4. Confidence: Tuesday 6 July 2021

  5. Influence: Tuesday 7 September 2021

  6. Lead: Tuesday 5 October 2021

  7. Project: Tuesday 2 November 2021

  8. Forward: Tuesday 16 November 2021

Lead will be delivered by leadership coaches and Women in Transport members Gill How and Iain Smith.

For more information go to https://www.womenintransport.com/lead

Contact Gill and Iain at lead@womenintransport.com if you have any questions or would like to know

This programme is supported by TPS as part of the Transport Planning Day Campaign 2021 which is focused on EDI in transport.





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