Webinar: Traffic in Towns - A 60 year Retrospective

Join the TPS for a celebration of 60 years since the publication of ‘Traffic in Towns’ (the Buchanan Report), which had such a big impact on thinking in the UK and beyond, at that time.

The webinar will be introduced by Peter Jones from UCL, and chaired by the Chair of the TPS Ben Plowden. We will begin with two representatives from the consultancy set up by Colin Buchanan (Andreas Markides and Atholl Noon), who will talk about the understandings and misunderstandings about the report’s main messages, and its impact and legacy.

Deborah Paton will then present a perspective from Glasgow City Council on the main challenges we face in towns and cities going forward, whether the Buchanan messages have any relevance nowadays – or do we need a new ‘Buchanan report’? What is the relevance of these questions to delivering transport planning in major UK cities today?

Finally, we will hear from Isabel Dedring (Arup) on some examples from across the world which exemplify the recommendations of the report, before opening up to questions from the audience.

For more information and signing up for this exciting and timely webinar follow this link.

This event is supported by the CIHT and the Academy of Urbanism.


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