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TPS is pleased to announce the launch Transport Planning Day 2024.
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Open to all those studying or working in transport planning, or related fields, on a professional basis.
Transport Planning Technician qualification takes a step forward
TPS has been working on a new qualification for transport planning technicians since 2018 and, following consultation, produced a high level Standard at the end of last year. Click here to see the final draft.
The aim is twofold. First to offer transport technician apprentices an alternative to EngTech, which is currently the only professional qualification at this level. Secondly, it offers a way to recognise the knowledge and skills of those currently working in specialised technical areas of transport planning for whom TPP is not their immediate goal. However, all the qualifications are mapped to the same areas of knowledge and experience so will be valuable to any future progression to TPP or other related qualifications. The more detailed work on guidance and documentation has now started and TPS is working with employers and other bodies to be able to offer TPTech by the end of 2020.
Keith Buchan, TPS Director of Skills, said:
“There is a great deal of work to do but the end result will be to fill an important gap in the skills offering for transport planners at all levels. TPTech will sit alongside IncTP (Incorporated Transport Planner) which we have introduced for those who complete PDS.
Together with the UK’s widely respected Transport Masters courses, the chartered title which can be added to the TPP qualification, we will have a full range of skills pathways for transport planners. Going forward they will support the diversity and open mindedness, as well as robust professional standards, which we will all need to meet the exciting and challenging future of transport planning.”
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