Transport Planning Society and Modeshift agree partnership to promote sustainable travel

The Transport Planning Society (TPS) and Modeshift have entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to encourage joint working between the organisations.

Some of the activities TPS and Modeshift intend to pursue include:

·       The sharing of sustainable travel information among members

·       Supporting events

·       A TPS representative will sit on the National STARS School Travel Awards Panel

Ben Plowden, Chair of the Transport Planning Society, said:

“This a great opportunity for our organisations to work in close collaboration to promote sustainable travel among our members and the wider industry.

“It’s critical that as transport planners we encourage mutually beneficial partnerships to align the industry with our collective goals.

“We hope this is the start of a long and fruitful partnership which supports sustainable travel choices for our members and wider society”

Ross Butcher, National Chair of Modeshift, said:

“We’re extremely excited to sign the MOU and begin the partnership with the Transport Planning Society.

“By working together we can encourage sustainable travel to a greater number of organisations, communities and individuals.

“The MOU shows our understanding to support each other where possible following our joint ambitions."


Notes to editor

  1. The Transport Planning Society (TPS) is the only professional body focusing exclusively on transport planning in the UK. It represents the views of almost 1500 individual members and 40 stakeholder members. You can find out more about TPS here: 
  2. Modeshift believe that communities are healthier, wealthier, and more inviting when people are given the opportunity to walk, wheel, and ride for their everyday journeys. As a not-for-profit membership organisation, Modeshift strives to share the very best schemes, ideas, and knowledge to support growing active journeys in the UK. You can find out more about Modeshift here:
  3. For further info contact Alex Bennett at / 07445361254
  4. Follow TPS on social media: Twitter / LinkedIn
  5. Follow Modeshift on social media: Twitter / LinkedIn



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