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TPS is pleased to announce the launch Transport Planning Day 2024.
See all the current vacancies.
Open to all those studying or working in transport planning, or related fields, on a professional basis.
As members will be aware the ICE manage our membership with a responsibility for processing applications and annual subscriptions. Due to changes within our agreement, we will now be charged for this activity and as such need
to pass some of this cost back to members. Processing of subscriptions is substantially cheaper if made by Direct Debit and so we are introducing an additional £5 charge on subscriptions for those members that opt not to pay by Direct Debit. Charges from 1st January 2019 are therefore:
Designated Membership – Direct Debit
Standard/Retired Membership – Direct Debit
Standard/Retired Membership – not by Direct Debit
Student/ Apprentice Membership
Free for a max of 3 years then transfer to standard membership
For those currently paying by Direct Debit no further action is required. For those who wish to pay by Direct Debit for 2019 subscriptions, please set this up as soon as possible, as the charge will be set effective of the status of your account on the 31st December 2018. You can set up an annual Direct Debit on the MyICE section of the ICE website, . Please note that the fee shown will be aligned to the higher charge for your grade and a £5 discount will be applied when the ICE undertake a status review at the end of December. Alternatively you can contact the ICE Subscriptions Department on (020 7665 2227). You will need to quote your membership number with all enquiries. Your personal data is also held on the MyICE site and as such this is also a good opportunity to update any changes to personal contact details.
Please note that at the current time the ICE are only able to process Direct Debits aligned to UK bank accounts. We apologise therefore to those members who are unable to set up such a facility, however we will be working to see if we can offer such a facility for 2020 subscriptions.
For any other queries please contact the Company Secretary at
Find out about TPS membership
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