A huge thank you to all our members who took part in our "virtual" AGM in these challenging times. Mark Frost has taken over from Stephen Bennett as Chair for a period of two years and we welcomed the five new Directors.  

Tom van Vuren,

Nichola Byrne,

Georgia Corr,

Rose Yorke Barber,

Christopher Mills.

You can read all about them in their Supporting Statements.

Also at the AGM, David Connolly the TPS Treasurer, reported a satisfactory financial outturn leaving the Society in a sound position going forward.  The report is available for download here - Treasurer's Report and Accounts 2020-21

Stephen Bennett's Chair's report for 2020 can be read here  - TPS AGM 2021 Chair’s report

The Agenda and minutes of the AGM can be downloaded here 2021 AGM Minutes.



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