The TPS Board are delighted to announce four winners of TPS' 2022 Bursary Competition

Following its launch last July, the Transport Planning Society Bursary Competition for 2022 has recently concluded.

The latest competition on the topic covered – 'Buses – how do we ensure they take their rightful place as a key player in the UK’s public transport network?'

In particular entries were asked to cover what role can the bus take in tackling the current challenges of:- 

  • Post-Covid recovery;
  • Cost of living crisis;
  • Climate crisis;
  • Inequality.

The judges spent a lovely afternoon listening to the four finalists present their papers and they along with the Board of the Transport Planning Society are delighted to announce that all of the  finalists will be awarded a bursary of £500 for their work.

The overall winner will be announced at the TPS AGM in March.

The successful Bursarians for this year are:

  • Sarah Whelan – Sweco
  • Orla Lenehan – Transport for Wales
  • Jamie Smith – Arup
  • Vivian Elby – Leeds City Council

Click here to read the winning entries.

Jo Ward who organises the annual competition on behalf of the board said:

"Its great once again to see the competition covering a topic so relevant within the industry at present and great to see such original thought coming from right across the board’’.


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