Register for upcoming event on Best Practice in Equality Impact Assessments

As part of this year's Transport Planning Day Campaign, TPS Chair, Mark Frost, will be leading a webinar on Best Practice in Equality Impact Assessments. This is one of many events of this year's TP Day Campaign based around the theme of equality, diversity and inclusion.

The event will look to explore:

  • Why we need to do EqIAs
  • How to ensure they are genuinely meaningful
  • Techniques for balancing differing impacts across groups with varying protected characteristics
  • How to ensure assessments are robust, particularly given the legal status they carry

Mark will be joined by an excellent panel of speakers, including Katie Pennick, Campaigns Lead at Transport for All; Lucy Marstrand-Taussig, Technical Lead at Metis; and Aya Collins, Head of Service for Low Traffic Neighbourhoods at Islington Council. 

You find out more and register for the event here.


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