Register for Transport Planning Day now!

The registration for Transport Planning Day on 15th November is now live!

You can register for the event here.  

Transport Planning Day is a virtual event and will be held online. The event will consist of two sessions:


Session 1: What we need to do as an industry - 13:30-14:50


Lord Blunkett – Former Home Secretary – ‘Reflections on Travelling with a Disability over the years, and Delivering Change in Government’

Platinum sponsor: AECOM – David Innis - 'Outcomes and recommendations of the Transport Industry Roundtable on EDI and Social Value'

Silver sponsor: ARUP – Nina Quarshie - ‘Better transport planning through more diverse organisations’


Session 2: How our work can be more inclusive - 15:00-16:15


Emma Ward, Director General for Roads, Places and Environment – ‘Improving Accessibility’

Gold sponsor: Jacobs – Richard Sanderson, Sherin Francis and Katie Pearse - 'Gender and Transport Planning'

Victoria Heald, Winner of the 2021 TPS Bursary Competition – ‘Unconscious Bias in Transport Planning’

We look forward to welcoming you and celebrating together the achievements of the transport planning profession in creating an inclusive and fair design for the wider community.


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