Read the report by Professor Glenn Lyons, Mott MacDonald Professor of Future Mobility at UWE Bristol  ( and Former TPS Chair) on "Driverless Cars - a great opportunity for society? Final Report of the Driverless Cars Emulsion. 

Driverless cars have in recent years been the subject of substantial investment and anticipation, as well as hype and exasperation. Governments have been drawn into a race for the gold at the end of the driverless cars rainbow. But not everyone shares this view – there are many people opposed to DCs too.  This new report now shares insights from the “Driverless Cars Emulsion”. This initiative, led by Professor Glenn Lyons, was prompted by frustration at the lack of shared thinking and real debate about what driverless cars could and, more importantly, should mean for the future.  It brought together the ‘lovers’ and the ‘haters’ of driverless cars and mixed them through an “emulsion”, via open minds holding different views working in a way designed to create dialogue and understanding.

 Stephen Bennett, TPS Chair, says: ‘This was a great initiative by Professor Lyons, to bring together the opposing sides of the autonomous vehicle debate and encourage them to really explore the positives and negatives, and challenge each other’s points of view.  This results are fascinating and I encourage all transport planners (whatever their persuasion as regards driverless cars) to read this report.”

To download the report click here 


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