PDS remote review update

Following a discussion at the PDS Managers meeting in December, the TPS Skills Team has updated its Advice Note for first and final reviews. This reflects the lessons learned from the programme of remote reviews conducted during the Covid19 pandemic. Remote reviews will be the default option for both first and final reviews from now on.

The revised Advice Note 22_2 can be accessed here.

TPS Skills Director Keith Buchan said:

“This updated Review Note clarifies both the reviews and the application process in a way which we hope will make it easier and more efficient. In conjunction with Advice Note 22_1 for trainees it should help create more consistent applications which we can then deal with more rapidly. Both Advice Notes address length of applications which we hope will help trainees to be succinct and to the point in their submissions. This benefits both reviewers and trainees. We’ve also pointed to how CPD needs to be approached and recorded. 

We are excited that the PDS overall is now even more active than before the pandemic and completions in 2022 should reach double figures. We continue to support our trainees and mentors who are at the heart of scheme in every way we can.”


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