MHCLG consultation, May 2018: ‘National Planning Policy Framework’:
National housing policies have major effects on transport demand, which prompted TPS to respond to two DCLG consultations on housing matters in 2017. We took the view that transport planning should contribute to making places that are not only well-connected, but also attractive, productive and sustainable. We were concerned from this standpoint that housing was being planned at too local a level and on the basis of volatile trend projections. We urged that the planning of infrastructure such as transport required a more coherent overview, at a larger scale, and with a clearer sense of long-term direction.
The latest consultation is about the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), from what is now MHCLG. Housing forms the most significant aspect of the changes proposed to NPPF, and it is disappointing that MHCLG has failed to respond to the serious concerns we previously raised. NPPF is not just about housing, but also about ‘place-making’. From this wider perspective we have expressed our concern about the lack of ambition: transport is seen merely as an input to the development process. However, accessibility affects locational choices throughout the building stock. This makes transport a major driver of patterns of settlement, social interaction and economic activity – and of regeneration as well as development.
The principles of sustainable development are restated in the revised NPPF, but the gap between these and its policy prescriptions has widened. While calling for ‘positive planning’ to bring about sustainable development the current proposals do not enable it.
To read the TPS response click