Last chance to get chartered in 2024!

Deadline near for TPP Autumn Reviews

Now that the holiday period is coming to a close TPS members are reminded that submissions of their Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) for the TPP Autumn round of reviews are due by 20th September.  Interviews will be held starting in November.  This applies to Standard Route applications for those who have successfully completed:

·       A TPP approved MSc

·       The PDS

·       A Portfolio of Technical Knowledge (PTK)

The next 2 rounds of Standard Route assessments are as follows:

Autumn Reviews 2024

Submission Deadline: Friday 20th September 2024

Interviews Held: w/c 4th November 2024 (possibly running throughout November)

Spring Reviews 2025

Submission Deadline: Monday (9am) 7th April 2025

Interviews Held: w/c 19th May 2025

Please note Senior Route applications and PTK submissions can be made at any time.


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