The  TPS Annual General Meeting and Annual Lecture will take place on Thursday 19 March 2020 at 1800 at One Great George Street, London SW1.

Our Annual Lecture follows immediately after the AGM, and we’re pleased to say that this year we have our Transport Planner of the Year, Susan Claris  talking about " Transport Planning a more diverse and active future".Do please make every effort to join us  to vote, hear about our plans for 2020, meet our new Board members and participate in the debate following the lecture. 

Please find attached the AGM agenda which contains the booking link for the AGM and Lecture.

Please book separately onto both the AGM and the lecture as the AGM is members only whereas the lecture is open to all. 

Please do book onto the AGM if you are attending so that we can check if we are going to be quorate (minimum 30 attendees who are entitled to vote) and cater accordingly in terms of papers and refreshments.  

The revised Articles of Association are attached.

These have been revised to reflect changes to the Student/Apprenticeship Grade and to clarify the term of office for Institutional Representatives.

A vote to approve them will need to be taken at the AGM.

There are 12 excellent candidates standing for election and six places for new Board Members. Your votes are important so please complete and return the Ballot paper. To do so you must be a paid up member. 

To view the supporting statements click here and to download the ballot paper click here. 


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