In case you missed it, watch our recording of Transport Planning Day 2022!

You can now watch the recording of Transport Planning Day 2022 held on Monday 14th November on TPS' YouTube page here.

The day was a great success attracting an audience of around 250 people both watching in-person and online.

Focused around this year's theme of future proofing transport, we kicked the event off with a keynote speech from Martin Tugwell, Chief Executive of Transport for the North. This was followed by Professor Stephen Joseph who launched a joint TPS and University of Hertfordshire update on our State of the Nations Report from 2020. Then Nicola Kane, Director at Steer, gave an insightful presentation on vision-led planning for an uncertain future before Emily Bobis, co-founder of Compass IoT, rounded up the session with a talk on how connected vehicle data can solve wicked problems.

Our second session opened with a keynote speech from Rhiannon Hardiman, Change Maker at the Office for the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales. We then held a panel discussion sharing intergenerational views on future proofing transport, with a range of fantastic panelists including Lynda Addison, ex-Chair of TPS and Lead on Transport Planning and Integration, Phil Goodwin, Emeritus Professor of Transport Policy at UCL and UWE, Rosella Cottam, TfL Youth Panel representative, Liani Baglietto Castellares, TPS Bursarian winner 2021, and Harshil Patel, Senior Transport Planner at Steer.

Hear from our fantastic speakers and watch the full day here.


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