Following the Future of mobility: urban strategy, which was published in March 2019, the Department for Transport are now seeking views and evidence on what could be incorporated into a Future of Transport: rural strategy.

The consultation document has 3 sections:

  • the context of the Future of Transport: rural strategy
  • our assessment of the mobility trends in rural areas, and the emerging opportunities for rural environments that we’re witnessing in transport innovation – this section seeks views on whether we have identified these correctly and further evidence for these trends
  • consideration of the approach that the government could take to help shape these opportunities to benefit rural areas

This consultation is part of the Future of Transport programme, which aims to shape transport innovation and secure the UK’s position as a leader in the transport sector of the future.

For further details go to

The TPS Policy Group are compiling the TPS response to the Call for Evidence.  Members with an interest in this topic are invited to send their contributions to the group at by 11 January 2021.



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