ETC Logo 2020 ONLINE FINAL MASTER OUTLINES v3The 49th European Transport Conference will be held online between 9-15 September and has now issued a Call for Papers.  The deadline for abstracts is 8 February. Download the Call for Papers here

TPS is sponsoring a Special Session on

‘Growing and improving transport planning skills in Europe’.

Our call is:

‘Following our Special Session on this topic last year, we invite transport practitioners and academics from across Europe to share how transport planning is regarded and structured in your country/region, how skills are developed and recognized, and your thoughts on how transport planning could be improved through better collaboration, networking, training and skills development.

Paper topics could include:

  • The development and recognition of transport planning as a profession in European countries
  • Routes into transport planning in European countries, covering university courses (undergraduate and masters level) and alternative routes (such as apprenticeships and work experience)
  • Post‐academic training in European countries – training in employment, professional development schemes and further qualifications which recognize competency in transport planning.
  • Ideas for pan‐European networking and collaboration in transport planning to support the development of transport planning skills and opportunities to do more through the AET
  • Case studies of projects or research that have been delivered through collaboration and integrated working between transport professionals and/or academics in European countries

We welcome papers from practitioners, academics, researchers and anyone else with an interest in the development of transport planning skills in Europe.

Full details of this Special Session are downloadable here 


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