Call to our Northern and Midlands Public Sector Members - Join the Fixing Transport Assessments Working Group

The Fixing Transport Assessments Working Group aims to collectively create new guidance, or recommendations for guidance, and associated methodology for undertaking improved transport assessments; both strategic (including Local Plans) and site-specific. The Working Group comprises national planning and transport organisations, planning and highway authorities, and specialist subject experts including Department for Transport, National Highways and Active Travel England. It is problem focussed working group, with no charge for membership.

The group exists as a result of recognition across its professions that although existing transport assessment practices are failing to produce outcomes that support/meet wider goals, such as national and local climate emergencies/carbon targets, Local Transport Plans, and other social benefits such as health, air quality etc. Although current guidance in National Planning Policy Guidance (2021) and TA guidance (2014) does not prescribe a methodology, the lack of guidance on methodology and long-held practices of those completing Transport Assessments, have embedded a methodology that is not supportive of these wider goals.

The Working Group is specifically looking for collaboration from northern authorities/bodies, but if anyone else is interested/has relevant knowledge and skills to bring to the working group please do get in touch.

To join the group and find out more, please contact –

The next meeting of the group is Tuesday 18th April 1-3pm online.


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