The Cycling and Society Symposium to be held on 16-17 September is calling for contributions. It will be a hybrid event this year, combining one day online and one day in-person (covid-permitting, otherwise it would be switched online).
How to contribute
As with last year, people are invited to contribute video presentations. These will be hosted online on the Cycling and Society website at least two weeks in advance of the symposium, which will consist of discussion panels with authors of the submitted video presentations.
Check the website for more information.
Submitting a contribution
Please submit a short abstract (up to 300 words) by 18th June using this form.
Symposium themes
These are some suggestions to get you thinking, but please feel free to propose other themes:
Please also bear in mind the Mission Statement when considering your contributions.
A selection of participants will be invited to take part in the online panel sessions.
Twitter: @Cycling8Society
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