Ben Plowden's first Chair's Message

Ben Plowden headshotThese are challenging times in the UK and globally. The IPPC’s recent AR6 synthesis report has once again reiterated the urgent need to deliver a just transition to a decarbonised economy. Meanwhile, the cost of living crisis is exacerbating inequalities between individuals, communities and regions. And measures such as the Mayor of London’s proposed ULEZ expansion and local traffic-calming schemes are facing stiff political and legal opposition.
Developing a fair, integrated, decarbonised transport system based on improving access to goods, services and opportunities is essential to deal with these challenges. The TPS has a central role to play in developing that system. Through representing transport planners and supporting their professional development throughout their careers; making the case for sustainable transport and a just transition to a net zero economy; and tackling issues around diversity and inclusion, both in the transport system and in the transport sector.
So it is a huge honour and a privilege to have been elected as Chair of the TPS at the recent AGM. I’d like to pay particular tribute to my predecessor Mark Frost. Mark successfully built on the work of his predecessors in further raising the profile of the TPS; developing its influence in Westminster, Whitehall and beyond; and supporting the professional development, training and other superb work carried out by the Board and its working groups. I’m delighted Mark has been re-elected to the Board, along with Susan Cross, Tim Cuthbert and Isabelle Milford. I’d also like to thank Kate Morris, Laura Putt and Lucy Marstrand-Taussig who stepped down from the Board at the AGM. And I’d like to welcome our three new Board members, Daisy Narayanan from the City of Edinburgh Council and Liani Baglietto Castellares, from Arup, plus Kieran Seale who has joined the Board as our new Company Secretary. You can see the full TPS Board at the Transport Planning Society website.
These are challenging but exciting times for anyone interested in supporting the societal changes we need to create a truly sustainable future. The TPS has an exciting year ahead, with a great programme of events including Transport Planning Day, provision of training and professional development and contributing to the rapidly evolving transport policy debate.
But as Mark pointed out in his last message as TPS Chair, it will not be enough for transport planners - or the TPS - to rely on our “long established professional expertise in the deployment of models, business cases, engineering solutions and technology” to bring about the changes we need. Transport is as much a political, cultural and psychological issue as it is a technical one. The TPS will need to work with professionals from multiple disciplines, elected politicians and officials, academics and researchers and with the wider community to design and deliver a transport system that can support these wider societal changes. And as Mark also pointed out, we need to be “far more adept at engaging and communicating with the public around the need for change and the benefits that may accrue from it”.
I look forward to working with the TPS Board, our members and our many partners in helping to bring about a cleaner, greener, fairer future.

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