Due to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, and the escalation over the last week or so, the Transport Planning Society Board has taken the following decisions as regards upcoming events:
We apologies for any disruption caused, but in these unprecedented times we need to put the health and well-being of our members, colleagues and families before all other considerations. If you have any queries or concerns then please let us know at info@tps.org.uk.
The TPS Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 19 March 2020 will be held as an online meeting only - Agenda attached ; please do not attend in person. Details on how to join are as follows:
Join Skype for Business Meeting
Conference ID: 412 237 94
+44 207 755 5560
Conference ID: 412 237 94#
Global dial-in numbers
Online Help
Trouble joining? Try Skype Web App
Please find below a survey link to vote online during the AGM for the motions on the night and not for the Board candidates. Please note that you will need to enter your TPS membership number and that the survey will only be live for the duration of the AGM.
The Articles of Association have been revised to reflect changes to the Student/Apprenticeship Grade and to clarify the terms of office for Institutional Representatives. Click here
Ballot forms must now be returned to Kath Coldwell no later than 11am on the day. To download the form click here. Candidate statements are attached here.
Click on the links to download The Chair's report and Treasurer's report.
Please note: We need a minimum of 30 members to join the meeting to be quorate (i.e. to approve the AGM business), so please make every effort to join us remotely if you can.
Any queries, please let us know at info@tps.org.uk.
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