A global Call for Evidence (CfE) has been launched as part of the Regional Studies Association Policy Expo on the development of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. 

About this ‘Policy Expo’

Throughout the world, technological advances and regulatory changes enabling the development of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (C/AVs) are presenting new challenges and opportunities for national, regional and local policy makers seeking to accommodate C/AVs within the built environment. Concerns around issues such as safety, urban design, and supporting infrastructure, alongside a long transitional period, further problematise this issue.

At the same time, efforts are being made to pursue policies aimed at decarbonising cities, promoting public health and liveability, balancing economic growth and social inclusion, and increasing levels of walking and cycling. This introduces further potential tensions in the policy and infrastructure landscape of cities. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated these challenges as policy makers seek to accommodate social distancing requirements within transit systems and the built environment.

Call for Evidence

An important first step in the project is to gather insights from a range of stakeholders. The RSA is interested in hearing from all individuals, policymakers, private sector, government organisations, NGOs, or pressure groups who may have evidence relating to the questions this Policy Expo is concerned with. They invite both short form submissions (submitted via this online form) where stakeholders can respond directly to specific questions if they wish, or longer responses to the Call submitted directly to the team.

The full Call for Evidence can be accessed here:https://bit.ly/3amL0Xd. This outlines the questions they are hoping to address, detailed information on how you can submit your evidence, and further information on the Policy Expo. Please circulate this to anyone you feel would be interested in engaging with the work – thank you!

The Call will close on the 30 April 2021.

More information on the Policy Expo can be found at https://policyexpo.net. The project team is comprised of colleagues from Sheffield Hallam University, UK; Arup, UK; and the University of Oregon, US. The RSA announcement is available here.


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