Have your say on this joint CIHT and TPS survey!

Take part now through this link: Integration of planning and transport survey 2024
Through this survey the TPS and CIHT are seeking industry views on the Planning Practice Guidance related to transport, particularly around advice on travel plans, transport assessments and statements, and as appropriate, local plans.
This is an excellent and timely opportunity to share industry knowledge to inform the Government’s evidence base and influence future policy developments. With the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act now in place, we expect further consultations on planning reforms later this year. The summarised results (with no personal data) will be shared with government departments and will inform our responses to future consultations.
Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements are all ways of assessing and mitigating the negative transport impacts of development in order to promote sustainable development. They are required for all developments which generate significant amounts of movements and as part of the preparation of Local Plans.
We want to know how the transport industry currently use the guidance, how it could be more helpful, and how it should relate to the forthcoming National Development Management Policies (NDMP).
The results of this survey will be shared with the TPS, CIHT and RTPI in accordance with GDPR guidelines.

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